The solution worked well and I'm currently within reach of being up to date ( that is, well, almost! ).
Given my future plans in various birding and lobbying issues I'm changing the name of the Blog to better reflect that approach and to give it a bit of a facelift. It will provide a basis for wider coverage , both in the UK and abroad, as opposed to entries mostly being linked to Islay and Jura. At least that's the plan.
Hopefully you'll enjoy " A Birding Odyssey " and enjoy the direction that the journey takes! The new site reference is so, hopefully, you'll bookmark the site and enjoy regular visits. In a couple of days I'll essentially be "closing down" the Islay Birder site with all entries being on the new Blog above.
All best wishes to everyone and many thanks for reading Islay Birder over the years. May I take the opportunity of wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and good birding in 2012 and beyond.