Saturday, April 4, 2009

3rd April,2009.

Another very nice day but tending to become rather hazy from mid-afternoon.

Another day goose counting, which leaves little opportunity for general birding. Goose numbers appear not to have reduced so,presumably, they're remaining a while longer! A flock of almost thirty Goldfinch descending on my feeders was a great sight ,and, given the house is located amidst open moor, a sound indication these were migrants!

News that the Gyr Falcon had been seen again saw me assume a series of watches, ( a "patience of vigils" I thought was an appropriate collective), at various likely spots until late in the evening, but to no avail! Later, rain came in that will certainly hold down this bird and the geese!

May I offer a correction, thanks to Malcolm Ogilvie, associated with the comments I made previously about the local wave generation plant. It has actually been linked into the grid in the past, but no longer, being used in an experimental capacity nowadays from time to time. If only I'd three kilometres of cable........

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